You want to be Woke, but you can’t quite pull the trigger.
This article will help you navigate this uncharted territory.
Now what is Woke?
Simply put, it can be defined as a Caucasian heterosexual acting in such a way that is consistently politically correct in the eyes of the liberal community.
Politically correct in all of interactions with the outside world.
It doesn’t actually mean that the Woke individual has to BE on the “right side of history” as currently defined.
It only means that the individual has to PRESENT as being on the “right side of history” as currently defined.
So how does one accomplish this.
The main skill required is the ability to be able to identify sacred cows.
Without that skill, everything else must fail.
That’s not as easy as it may sound.
“Sacred Cows” are often a moving target, subject to the vagaries of the flavor of the month.
And then the Independent Voter must be willing to self-censor.
In other words, constantly be aware of words and how they might be perceived by others.
This requires being especially vigilant when it comes to language that could be twisted by the victim class.
Political correctness by its very nature requires suppression of freedom of speech and thought.
“Humor” can be especially problematic here.
A joke does not have to be offensive by intent for somebody with an agenda to take it as offensive.
In short, jokes and humor in Wokeplace relationships must be avoided altogether.
And now let’s drill down to some specifics.
After all, that’s what you came here for.
A good example of Wokeness in action is the left wing HuffPost Facebook outlet.
(You can see a sample of their Wokeness here )
They consistently promote the extreme Liberal agenda by publication of clickbait that is guaranteed to inflame the gonads of the politically correct community
If your sample HuffPost on a regular basis you will have noticed that they run the same articles repeatedly.
And some of these articles are so old they have whiskers.
One that comes to mind is the oft repeated post detailing old women who strip down for love and affection.
Complete with photographs, this post is clearly aimed at the gonads of the politically correct and never fails to deliver.
After all, nobody can admit that they don’t find old women sexually desirable and be considered Woke.
And every time HuffPost repeats
this narrative (what they do many times a year), they can count on hundreds of clicks.
And what makes this particular story especially sweet?
Anybody who does NOT sing along with the left wing chorus runs a real risk of ending up in Facebook Jail.
And it’s just not major influencers like HuffPost where we find the Wokeplace dominating.
This is a real world example demonstrating the difference between a politically astute Caucasian and one who is not
First, an OP from an individual capable of independent thought.
This was posted during a recent Facebook debate on gun control (names have been redacted to avoid unnecessary complications).
First, the politically homeless opined
“And many of those firearms are in the hands of the predatory element that the liberal community refuses to disarm.
We will never end the Carnage on the streets of America until we do two things.
Number one, we have to create profiles that empower
law enforcers to identify and remove from society the predatory element that walks among us BEFORE they kill.
Number two, we need to establish Nationwide random stop and frisk to catch those predators who fall through the cracks of number one.
Only THEN can we make any headway but unfortunately liberal politicians fight both solutions tooth and nail.”
And then the Wokester opines.
(Name redacted) How long have you been off of your meds!
And our un-Woke friend fires back
(Name redacted)
That is a ridiculous comment Danny, on several levels.
Number one, it makes you look ridiculous because it’s not an original thought on your part
It’s one we see used routinely by those on the right AND the left who lack the intellectual firepower to be able to carry on a debate on an adult level
And number two.
It’s been well documented that the Liberal community consistently fights any attempt to identify the criminal element by developing profiles to weed out the predators and remove them from society before they kill.
It’s also been well documented the Liberal Community has strong objections to stop and frisk policies, even though those policies have clearly demonstrated their effectiveness in disarming perps and thugs.
In short, the only proposals we ever see coming from Liberal politicians are those “feel good” proposals that are emotionally satisfying on the surface but will do nothing to disarm the perps and the thugs who are responsible for the majority of Carnage on the streets in our cities.
We will never have effective gun control as long as a criminal element is a protected class.”
This example illustrates two things.
Wokeness does not require one
to suffer from diarrhea of the keyboard
The young Liberal participant made his point with one sentence, though that probably taxed his intellectual capabilities to the limit.
The independent individual, by contrast, took many paragraphs to defend and explain his position.
But unfortunately, he was only pissing in the wind.
In spite of the fact that he made a
powerful defense of his position, the sad fact is that nobody is going to read that defense because of its length.
The other disadvantage is that the the dude is flirting with Facebook Jail.
Not because of anything he said.
In fact, what he said makes perfect sense.
But the liberal community in general does not like being taken to the woodshed in public forums.
And that’s exactly what the intellectually superior individual did in this exchange.
When an energetic debater takes a liberal to the woodshed that person can expect revenge in short order.
While going Woke has many advantages there can be some serious downside.
We saw evidence of this in the recent headlines regarding Anheuser-Busch and Target.
Both abandoned the traditional base in an attempt to increase their market share in the exploding transgender community.
Both attempts to go to increase market share in the LGBTQ community backfired dramatically.
And both organizations compounded the error by attempting to back down from their established pro-trans position.
The net result is Everybody is pissed off now.
And it’s not only major corporations that can suffer consequences when an attempt to embrace political correctness
There is one immediate disincentive for the independent to join the PC community.
To do so requires the independent voters to hand over their balls.
We say that because unless an individual is of the full flamed liberal persuasion, there are going to be times when an individual capable of independent thought is going to be uncomfortable with the liberal agenda.
Some are those concerns might be trivial.
Difficulty in believing exceptionally overweight individuals in thongs to be objects of sexual desire come to mind.
Likewise, some might find elderly women who are reduced to stripping down in order to find love and affection to be more sad than “brave”.
There are other concerns though that might not be so trivial and could be the source of real controversy.
One such concern making headlines today is the way our society defines “women”.
For hundreds and hundreds of years, “woman” has been defined
s an individual who at birth had the “plumbing” necessary to conceive and carry the term and deliver an actual living baby.
The trans community has thrown that baby out with the bath water so to speak.
And in fact, in the world today anybody who still adheres to that definition faces charges of homophobia.
But so far the trans community has not offered any reasonable alternative to that definition.
And the lack of a reasonable alternative to the long established at universally accepted definition of womanhood can certainly make any individual capable of independent thought uncomfortable.
So the bottom line, the lesson we must learn.
If you value your presence on social media, if your Facebook persona is important to you, if Facebook Jail scares the bejesus out of you, you can’t go wrong if you go Woke.
That will be the end of Part One. Stay tuned for Part Two. Much more hot copy to.come as we examine our Culture in Crises.