The Republican party knows they can finally achieve their long-standing wet dream of gutting Social Security and Medicare if they allow the country to go into default so that’s exactly why they’re going to do it.
What pisses me off is that the Democrats are JOINING the Republicans in this geriatric genocide by not capitulating to the Republicans and putting able body welfare recipients to work.
That seems to me to be a very small price to pay considering VERY few welfare recipients are able bodied enough to perform any real work so only a very small handful of individuals are going to be affected.
(And to my liberal friends who may take umbrage at that analysis, it’s coming straight from NPR, probably the most liberal news outlet on American soil today)
But that said, I seriously doubt that even if the Democrats capitulate the Republicans are not going to continue to use this debt crisis as an excuse to genocide our senior population.
This is the best chance GOP has and will ever have to eliminate Social Security and Medicare without facing political consequences.
The Supreme irony is whenever you see a blue hair chowing down at the all-you-can-eat buffet you can be pretty sure they are rabid members of Donald J Trump’s hardcore base and they don’t see this coming even though on American soil it is going to be the senior population that suffers the most when the Republican party destroys the financial credibility of the United States of America.